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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

“All About Me” Preschool Activities – Part I

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It might surprise you to know that many children think that what they enjoy…. everyone enjoys. And, what makes them happy…. makes everyone happy. And, what they find fun…. everyone would find fun. It’s true. So, today I am going to write about different projects that will help you teach your children that everyone is different... from their looks, to their feelings, to even their senses such as taste and sound.
Today I’m just going to get into projects that have to do with physical attributes. Tomorrow I will get into the feelings and senses attributes.
But, the concept of "everyone is different" can be hard to teach to a child without some hands-on projects. So, without further ado…..
In this project you will be assisting the children in Making "Me Puppets". Me puppets will help you reinforce to the children that everyone is different in the physical sense. You will need 6 inch paper plates to use as faces, popsicle sticks or tongue depressors as the holders. Also, get out some yarn, markers, crayons, child safety scissors and glue to finish off the "Me Puppet". Let them put on a puppet show.
Give the kid some art supplies and let them draw pictures of themselves. Give them a list of easy descriptive words and let them chose the words that most describe themselves. You can even have pictures next to the descriptive words to help them chose the words that best describe them. For example, for the word “funny
” you can have a person laughing so that they know that word is "funny". And, for the word “smart” you can have a picture of a person with a light bulb above their head. Those are just examples, but you get the idea. You want to help your child pick descriptive words describing themselves.
Make a color graph to show the different colors of eyes such as…. blue, green, brown and hazel eyes. Let the children look in the mirror and decide what eye color they have on their own. Did they chose the right color. Talk about that with them.
This is a really cool project… a little messy, but cool. Bring out an ink pad and let the kids place their thumb on the ink pad and then onto their own pieces of blank paper. Give each of the children a magnifying glass and let them determine what makes each thumbprint different. Do they notice the differences? Explain to the children that no two fingerprints are alike…. pretty amazing, huh?!
You might need to help the child with this project if you don’t have more than one child. Give each child a very large paper. Your best bet would be to use butcher paper or art paper from those very large rolls. The paper has to be large enough that a child can lay on top of it and be traced. Lay the paper on a hard floor and have a child lay on top of the paper. Use a writing utensil (pencil, crayon or marker) to trace around the child’s body. Ask the child you just traced to color in the clothes on their body and to draw their features on it. Have them make themselves using the traced body.
Let the children create short stories about themselves. They can draw pictures and make it a picture book or you can help them write a story using word and with the pictures as well.
Cover a coffee can with felt. Also, cut out different sizes and shapes of felt cutouts. Tell the kids to make their faces using the different shaped felt and the coffee can. Felt sticks onto felt pretty easily, so no other supplies such as glue or tape is needed.
Provide a measurement chart and scales for the children to measure their height and weight. Explain to the children what these numbers mean.
In Conclusion
These projects should help you teach your children all about them in the physical sense. Tomorrow we will continue the "About Me" topic, but go into projects that help you teach them about themselves using their feelings and their senses.
Top image by squacco
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Tagged as: children, education, Feelings, pre-k, preschool lessons, senses
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Indeed each individual is different from others. Everyone have their own perspective of thinking. But when it comes to environment, I think now is the time that we all think the same way and start living greener way so that we can protect EARTH from being dead.
Teaching children to go green